Domain to IP Addresses - Domain into IP Converter

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Domain into IP

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About Domain into IP

It is mandatory to know that all the websites that we access online with different names and are why not to be accessed via the same IP. And how the ICANN assigns them a different name and why we cannot access our competitor’s domain name for my website. The Domain to IP addresses is for the specific purpose of finding the IP information about your sole domain name. 

Each domain name has its unique IP address that assigns them names of all international TLD domains. And this tool is designed to explore the IP address behind your domain name. And you may need to know what is the IP address and how it works for us. The Domain Of IP Converter is explained in detail below. 

What isan  IP address?

ICANN is a global company that is responsible for handling all international websites via unique IP addresses.  All international domain is saved in records of the largest database that are served online. The IP address is a unique combination of 04 groups of numbers separated by the “.” of dot and identifies each domain from one to another.

 Internet Protocol or IP is identified by each machine on the web via special features. Ever you connect to any device or gadget you will be identified by an IP address. If you have not been assigned via any unique IP address then it will be impossible to access your device online. And if your device has no address then you will not be able to come online. You can ever explain your location by referring to your home address, city, area, and other credentials. If you have not explained your position, then it's hard for anyone to find your home address. So same is the case with an IP address. Try one more tool Reverse IP Domain Checker online

Normally the IP address comprises four single or group of numbers. The group may be from one number to a maximum of three figures. A “.” Dot will differentiate these four groups from one to others. Each group may range from o to 255. An IP address is seen in this format. or or any else. These formats are the final ones that assign the address of a website, device, or domain. So, the unique address will finally define the right way to access your desired position. If we talk about the history of an IP then it was primarily launched in 1983 first time with a famous format known as IPV4. This is very fast to access. Still is used for most websites. These days IPV6 is also used which is its latest version with a minor update. The power of your domain is counted by domain authority checker these days. 

Difference between Dynamic and Static IP Address:

Commonly these days the dynamic IP address is used on most of the broadband connections. They are cheap and fast. But what is the main difference between Dynamic and Static IP Addresses is here to be explained. The static IP address has the same address at all times and will not be changed via router restart or other actions. All web hosting companies use a unique IP address for their control panel access that is propagated for all shared accounts and you can view the main website with a unique IP address also.

Only Static IP addresses can be figured out with the origin country, continent, area, and connection where the device is located that provided you with the unique IP address.  

The Static IP address is paid at a high cost and used by the major brand to access their data with the unique memory address. All major companies, Government websites, and secure data websites used the static website to be safe from theft.  Check your domain age by free domain age calculator tool

In the service of Dynamic IP address, the IPs may be changed after a few hours or days, according to the location of your service. Whenever you log in to your service the IP address may be changed in the Dynamic IP service. The aforesaid format is cheap and secure. The static address is always vulnerable to spammers and hackers and the address is not often changed they can access it easily.

The IP address of the service you use can be changed from one location to another. As you may have different services provided at home and the airport you may use free wifi that may access hundreds of visitors at a time. So the dynamic address is changing all the time for you. So you are now able to convert a domain to IP via this tool easily by this Domain into IP Converter tool online.  

How to Use Domain to IP Tool?

And the final is how to use this free tool that will help you to find the IP address of any domain you want. You can view your site IP via many online tools and resources. Mostly the Microsoft user can use CMS built-in utility where you can put Ping command to find the IP address of your internet.  You can also your “Tracer” command to find it. And the IP address will come in front of you. However the IP address will not explore the whole information you are looking for. 

This free tool will give you more comprehensive details about your query. You will find more information on this single utility page. You will get the Domain IP, Country, and ISP of the domains. What you have to do is simply go to and search the “Domain to IP” Addresses tool. If you are already on this reading page then is all well. Enter your domain URL and press enter. 
The tool will bring the results in a second. You will see the Domain name, Domain IP, IP country, and the Internet Service provider for the domain. 
The name of the ISP (Internet Service Providers) may be changed from your domain hosting IP as you are searching about your domain IP not the Hosting IP.