Free Link Checker Analyzer Tool

Small SEO Tool Checkers

Link Checker

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About Link Checker

If you own a website and wish to analyze then, this free URL Link Checker is for you to inspect and find information about any URL of your website.

After the Google algorithm updates for ranking, you might have scanned your all site URL’s that why site have gone behind the search engine results. Then you must know the importance of the website links validity checker tool. You can check full seo website review to find the things to update for your site. 

 This link analyzer tool is here to check all your site for any internal, external, dofollow, nofollow or number of links on your site. This will absolutely help to find out the reason, that why your website has been affected via the latest Google search updates.

The free website link analysis tool will inspect only one URL at a time and give complete information that you need. You can check all your pages one by one for the analysis of your website. You might know that only Homepage is not responsible for ranking, but other deep pages may affect your site position in search results.

See Online URL Ping Website to send ping for search engines. And get fast indexing in search results. 

How to use URL Link Checker?

This URL Link Checker free tool is very simple to use for any newbie. You have to only put your site URL or any URL and press submit. This link tester tool will give your both external and internal links found on the search URL.
You may also know the importance of No follow and Do Follow links. And this tool will also give this information. 

Find the free URL Rewriting Tool that can regenerate your dynamic your to easily indexable link.
The online link checker will give complete output in a few seconds and you can view all the detail on one page. You will see the internal and external links, Total Links, Internal Links, External Links, and NoFollow Links complete detail. And you can also export and save the report offline for reference in the future. If an image is attached from another source it will also explain the URL if the inbound or outbound source.

The mechanism of URL checker tool:

Its again reminded that the tool is free to use that is provided by seotoolcheckers to help bloggers and webmasters to analyze their website. Simply this tool will totally scan your URL and find the result in front of you. You only have to provide link and press submit the name “Submit”. The online linkchecker system will find the results in seconds and display on the same page with Ajax functionality. 

This free website link checker by Small SEO tools is developed to help website owners and webmasters as well as SEO professionals in analyzing the links on a website. This useful tool can identify the links at the same time that spiders are crawling on a given page of your website. All you have to do is to write the URL of your website in the text box and then click on the “Analyze Links” button. Our system will process your request and will display the results in just a few seconds.

This website link checker will show you the following:

What you will get from the free URL checker tool:
You will get the following information from this URL checker online tool:

  • The Total Links are seen on URL.
  • The Internal links found in URL.
  • The external links found in URL.
  •  The total number of NoFollow Links in URL.
  •  External Links going to outside websites

This website links checker is a very useful online tool by which you can check the links found from inbound links and outbound links. You can easily find the links that have been mistakenly entered in your webpage and now you have to remove it.   
And I love this online link checker because by using the online free website link checking I will determine the outbound or inbound all links. And by visiting these links, I can see how they are looking and if the links are broken then I can remove broken links like Free Broken Link Checker tool. So, I have to not waste time and I can get an optimized webpage with useful information. The Broken links (dead URL’s) can ruin my ranking, So I never leave them as they are. All I am doing is for good ranking in search results. 

Benefits of using website link checker Tool online:

A discuss above this tool can analyze internal and external links as well as Nofollow and Dofollow link found in the search URL. And by using this free utility all the website webmasters, owners, and SEO specialist will really find the information, that can be used easily to recover the site worth. This need to be used in a proper way. If we got the first position by unique and long article, and It can go to behind the search results if that specific URL has external dofollow links, broken links, more than 100 any kind of URLs. As the number of the link on any page can divide the link juice to another page, so we should not increase the number of URL per page. Find the free article rewriter tool online to make your content unique and rankable. 
By this free tool, you can get a complete CSV format report of the specific URL. To find all outbound links from a website this tool will help you. 
The tool layout is very simple. In the first table, you will see Total Links, internal, external and no follow links. Below you will see Internal Links inside the current website with the status if the are NoFollow/DoFollow. In the next table, you will see External Links going to outside websites. And at the end, you will see the option to save or export the report in CSV format. 
The website ranking is considered by the links coming toward your website and the links going out from your website. All the webmaster uses various SEO tools to check competitors’ traffic, their inbound and outbound links to find if the backlinks are worthy or spammy. This Free website URL Link Checker online tool will give some support to find the links and analyze your URL in detail.