Simple Word Counter - Character count Tool Online

Small SEO Tool Checkers

Word Counter

Enter your text/paragraph here:


Total Words: 0 | Total Characters: 0

About Word Counter

About Simple Word Counter Tool Online Free:

Are you looking to use a Simple Word Counter that will help you in writing limited words text for your clients that are paying on a words count basis? Here is the best Character count Tool Online that will assist you in writing an article with the specified length of the word you want.

You may know how important is content length in SEO article writing. The webmaster all over the world suggested that a minimum of 100 words of unique worth should be in your article. But an article with more than 1000 words is seen as very good in search engine eyes. So be patient and write good and long-character articles so that you may be seen in search engine positions. This is a very Simple Word Counter to use and get the best results.

The Word Counter Tool Online Free will help to find your words and character count words very speedy and you can see how much your unique article is. So you may check this content words length counter to find your content length in means of the word. The latest number of the word by free Word Counter Tool Online Free will surely help out all kinds of bloggers. Online character counter Google Frequency in word pages character count in the word. Best letter counter character count tool. This is the best tool that will find Bulk Web page Word Count checks to enhance your manual check for content worth. The usage of Simple Word Counter & Urdu word counter Tool Online Free will make you steady in writing the long article I think.

The mechanism of using character count online is very simple. It will work like the famous software Microsoft Word that displays real-time word count in the left bottom corner of the dashboard. With the usage of character counts in words, you will find the number of written words.

What is the usage of the word counter online?

Article writing is the most famous passion and profession of many bloggers, students, teachers, and paid article writers. Most of the time they all need a simple tool that will show them, how many numbers to words or paragraphs are written in word count format.

This tool is very useful for bloggers and article writers which type the text for others. Most of the bloggers use this tool on an SEO basis to use it for character counting how many long articles they have. As the rule for the article writer is that the article must be more than 300 words and how many titles, meta title, description,s, and body text should be.

In another usage, this tool is best for Teachers and Students where they use it for making assignment tasks to fulfill according to the defined parameter and word count. This free application may also be helpful in finding how many keywords in your article with a counting ratio. 

For marking system online examination, the teachers use this tool to measure the assignment length and give marks according to that length. On the other hand, the student writes their assignment according to the assigned length of the question sheet or assignment. If the both above-discussed parties start to count words, then they will surely be tired of this act. So this character count utility will tell them how many words are in their pages.

In courts and other departments, the article length is also measured according to the defined rules and parameters. New usage of word counter for the essay will help us in each area of education and routine blog working to look how many words in my essay or subject article.  

Why do we use Word Counter?

A question like the above heading is very strange, as to why we should try to use the free word count tool to count word characters for words. The answer will become out if you count the complete article words one by one manually. And when you reach the 2nd for 3rd line you will feel very bored and try to avoid this act and surely search for a free utility by SEO tool checkers, that will automatically count all the smart words and characters for you.
And if you have time to count and do not want to use any tool, then it is your mind to waste time. But I strongly recommend always using some shortcuts that save time and give accurate results for you. 
This free counter and word finder tool will easily Count the Number of words in your full article.  The online count word calculator will give you full results of the word counting process in a very quick way. So try it. Some brands offer word counter extension for chrome and firefox browsers for checking the words of your articles. 

How to use character count online:

Word Counter is very easy to use for all kinds of bloggers, teachers, students, article writers, and for any purpose. You only have to copy your text in the text area and click count words. And with eye blinking time, it will count Total Words and Total Characters in front of you.